User guide#

C++ interface#

Help about the C++ interface and its options can be obtained with the command xcdf -h,

Usage: xcdf [verb] {infiles}

    verb:    Description
    ----     -----------

    version  Print XCDF version information and exit.

    info     Print descriptions of each field in the file.

    dump     Output data event-by-event in a human-readable format.

    count    {-e expression} Count the number of events in the file.
            If optional expression is supplied, count only the
            events that satisfy the expression.

    csv      Output data into comma-separated-value format.

    check    Check if input is a valid XCDF file and check internal
            data checksums

    select-fields "field1, field2, ..." {-o outfile} {infiles}:

                    Copy the given fields and write the result to a
                    new XCDF file at the path specified by
                    {-o outfile}, or stdout if outfile is unspecified.
                    A wildcard '*' character is allowed in matching
                    field names.

    select "boolean expression" {-o outfile} {infiles}:

                    Copy events satisfying the given boolean
                    expression into a new XCDF file at the path
                    specified by {-o outfile}, or stdout if outfile
                    is unspecified. The expression is of the form
                    e.g.: "field1 == 0" to select all events
                    where the value of field1 is zero.  The variable
                    "currentEventNumber" refers to the current
                    event in the file.

    paste {-d delimeter} {-c existingfile} {-o outfile} {infile}:

                    Copy events in CSV format from infile (or stdin,
                    if unspecified) into outfile (or stdout if unspecified).
                    If an existing XCDF file is specified with -c, the
                    fields are added to the existing file. A delimeters can be
                    specified but will default to commas if unspecified.

    recover {-o outfile} {infiles} Recover a corrupt XCDF file.

    add-alias name "expression" {-o outfile} {infiles}:

                    Add an alias to "infile" consisting of a numerical                    expression.  The expression may contain fields, e.g.                    'xcdf add-alias myAlias "abs(field1)" myFile.xcd                    creates the alias 'myAlias' that contains the absolute                    value of XCDF field 'field1'. 'myAlias' may then be                    selections and other expressions.  If an output file is not                    specified, the alias is added in-place to the existing                    file if possible.  If an output file is specified,                    adding an alias with the same name as an existing alias                    replaces that alias with the new expression.  Note that                    aliases added in-place are not available when reading an                    XCDF file using a stream or pipe.

    remove-alias name {-o outfile} {infiles}:

                    Remove an alias from "infile".  If an output file is                    not specified, the removal is done in-place if possible.                    Only aliases added in-place may be removed in-place.    histogram "histogram expression" {infiles}:

                    Create a histogram from the selected files according to
                    the specified expression.  Valid expressions are of the form
                    "nbins, min, max, expr" or "nbins, expr", dynamically
                    determining the min and max.
                    "expr" is of the form e.g. "fieldName*3.14159".
                    An optional expression may be appended
                    to weight the entry, e.g. "100, 0, 1, field1, field2" would
                    create a histogram of field1 with 100 bins from 0 to 1,
                    weighting each entry by the value of field2.

    histogram2d "histogram expression" {infiles}:

                    Create a 2D histogram from the selected files according to
                    the specified expression.  Valid expressions are of the form
                    "nbinsX, minX, maxX, exprX, nbinsY, minY, maxY, exprY" or
                    "nbinsX, exprX, nbinsY, exprY", dynamically determining min
                    and max.  An optional expression may be appended to weight the

    comments {infiles} Display all comments from an XCDF file

    add-comment "comment" {-o outfile} {infiles} Add comment to an XCDF file

    remove-comments {-o outfile} {infiles} Remove all comments from an XCDF file

    compare file1 file2 Compare the contents of file1 and file2

Note: if input/output file(s) are not specified, they are
read/written from/to stdin/stdout.

Multiple input files are allowed.

Python interface#


After XCDF v3.00.03 support for Python2 has been dropped.

This is a simple tutorial on how to write an XCDF file and read its contents in Python3 using numpy data structures.

Write an XCDF file#

First we will write a file containing two events (rows), each defined by two fields, A and B. The latter is a child of the former, which means that for each event the value of A dictates how many elements should be contained in B.

In particular we declare A as a integer-type field and B a float-type field with a resolution of 0.1.

We will also write a small comment to the file header at the end.

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from xcdf import File

# Open a new file for writing
test_file = Path.cwd() / Path("example_file_py3bindings.xcd")
with File(str(test_file), "w") as f:
    # Define the data fields

    field_A = f.allocate_uint_field("A", 1, "")
    field_B = f.allocate_float_field("B", 0.1, "A")

    # Add data for the first event/row


    # Field "B" is a child of "A", so it needs to contain
    # as many values as the entry in "A" says for this event
    # Let's add the numpy equivalent of [0.  , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75]
    field_B.add(np.arange(0, 1, 0.25))


    # Add data for the second event/row



    # Add a final comment in the file header
    f.add_comment("This is a test comment")

Read an XCDF file#

Now let’s re-open the same file and read back what we wrote in it.

Notice that, when read back, the data associated to the B field of the first event is the array [0. , 0.3, 0.5, 0.8] and not what we injected at writing time, [0.  , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75], because we declared (i.e. allocated) the B field with a resolution of 0.1.

from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
from xcdf import File

test_file = Path.cwd() / Path("example_file_py3bindings.xcd")

events = {}

with File(str(test_file), "r") as input_file:
    file_header = input_file.comments
    for event_index, event in enumerate(input_file):
        events[event_index] = event

print("FILE HEADER\n===========\n")

pprint(events, width=5)

['This is a test comment']


{0: {'A': 4,
     'B': array([0. , 0.3, 0.5, 0.8])},
 1: {'A': 1,
     'B': array([6.])}}

Append to an XCDF file#

Now let’s add some more data to this existing file.

from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
import numpy as np
from xcdf import File

test_file = Path.cwd() / Path("example_file_py3bindings.xcd")

# You can define field properties as tuples
# to re-use them when appending multiple times
field_A_properties = ("A", 1, "")
field_B_properties = ("B", 0.1, "A")

# Re-open the file, but in 'append' mode
with File(str(test_file), "a") as same_file:
    # Re-allocate the same data field but for this file

    field_A = same_file.allocate_uint_field(*field_A_properties)
    field_B = same_file.allocate_float_field(*field_B_properties)

    # Add data for the second event/row




# Let's add more data
with File(str(test_file), "a") as again_same_file:
    # Re-allocate the same data field but for this file

    field_A = again_same_file.allocate_uint_field(*field_A_properties)
    field_B = again_same_file.allocate_float_field(*field_B_properties)

    # Add data for the second event/row

    field_B.add(np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 10))


# Read back and print contents
events = {}
with File(str(test_file), "r") as input_file:
    file_header = input_file.comments
    for event_index, event in enumerate(input_file):
        events[event_index] = event

print("FILE HEADER\n===========\n")

pprint(events, width=5)

['This is a test comment']


{0: {'A': 4,
     'B': array([0. , 0.3, 0.5, 0.8])},
 1: {'A': 1,
     'B': array([6.])},
 2: {'A': 1,
     'B': array([5.])},
 3: {'A': 10,
     'B': array([-5. , -3.9, -2.8, -1.7, -0.6,  0.6,  1.7,  2.8,  3.9,  5. ])}}